陳光 autocad 2012 程譯
商品名稱: Lynda.com mocha Essential Training
商品分類: 電腦認證與應用學習
商品類型: mocha 3D跟蹤高級教程軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2012-01-20
商品名稱: Lynda.com mocha Essential Training
商品分類: 電腦認證與應用學習
商品類型: mocha 3D跟蹤高級教程軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2012-01-20
本教程是由Lynda機構最新出品的mocha 3D跟蹤高級教程,時長5小時,附工程源文件,使用
mocha has always been very popular as a tracking tool, but with
the rising interest in stereo 3D conversion, its rotoscoping
capabilities have become a favorite player in that pipeline and
sales have soared. mocha Essential Training with Steve Wright
covers the basics of operating mocha, as well as advanced
tracking and rotoscoping techniques. The course also covers the
mocha/Nuke stereo 3D production pipeline in detail. Exercise
files are included with the course.