商品名稱: SYCODE Point Cloud v1.0.DC090811
商品分類: 繪圖、圖像、靜態影像軟體
商品類型: CAD工業軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-10-11
TEP、Mesh的轉換工具,以及反轉工程軟體Point Cloud。可支援的如Autodesk AutoCAD
、Autodesk Inventor、Autodesk 3D Studio MAX、Autodesk VIZ、Autodesk Maya、So
lidWorks、Solid Edge、SpaceClaim、Alibre Design、Rhinoceros、IntelliCAD等。
Point Cloud is a reverse engineering software which offers the ability to
reconstruct the geometry of an object from a point cloud that describes it.
Point Cloud can drape a surface over a point cloud or wrap a mesh around
a point cloud. Draping a surface is similar to laying a piece of cloth
over an object. The surface is deformed to take the shape of the object
along the drape direction. A surface can be draped along one of the six
orthogonal directions (top, bottom, front, back, right and left) or a
custom user specified direction. Wrapping a mesh is similar to wrapping
cloth all around an object to close it completely. Point Cloud has the
ability to wrap a mesh around a concave or a convex point cloud.
Point Cloud saves data in the following file formats:
- OpenNURBS files (*.3dm)
- AutoCAD DWG files (*.dwg)
- AutoCAD DXF/DXB files (*.dxf)
- 3D Studio files (*.3ds)
- Stereolithography files (*.stl)
- Wavefront files (*.obj)
- SketchUp SKP files (*.skp)
- Visualization Toolkit VTK files (*.vtk)